After 13 years of Tory economic failure what #NewcastleCentral desperately needs – is change.
In the #NorthEast real terms wages are on average 3% lower today than when Labour left office in 2010.
Prices have gone up. Wages have not.
— Chi Onwurah ???? (@ChiOnwurah) March 21, 2023
Under the Tories, there are primary school children in Newcastle who over their entire lives have seen parents, aunts, uncles, brothers & sisters all get poorer.
- Half of the children in #Newcastle live in poverty
- 100,000 people in the #NorthEast are forced to use food banks
Not only are wages lower, but the government has:
✂️ Cut £300 million from Newcastle City Council Council’s budget.
- Reduced buses and worsened route reliability in Newcastle.
- Increased train fares.
⏳Left 7 million people on the waiting for NHS treatment and increased the A&E waiting times.
After 13 years of Tory economic failure what Newcastle Central desperately needs – is change.
In the North East real terms wages are on average 3% lower today than when Labour left office in 2010.
Prices have gone up. Wages have not.
Newcastle Central deserves a Govt they can partner with to deliver jobs, growth and innovation.
Labour will secure the highest sustained growth in the G7 through our long-term industrial strategy and unleash the potential of the North East.
This Government just starves it.