
Press Release                                                    Friday 17th April 2020

Newcastle MP launches campaign to support online vendors 

Newcastle Central MP Chi Onwurah has launched a campaign encouraging online shoppers to support local small businesses that have moved online during the coronavirus lockdown.

Chi said “Since the lockdown began many Newcastle based businesses have gone online to protect their staff and all of us. But this means that they miss out on the footfall that they would usually get from shoppers in the town. Our many markets and retail hubs have so many fantastic creative, innovative and unique vendors that contribute to our city’s identity. So I want to support those businesses by generating some digital footfall

Using the social media hashtags #ToonOnline #OnlineLocal and #ShopLocal Chi said “If you know a local small business that has moved online, and you want to give them some recognition, please do tell me about them using the hashtags and I will share their work”


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