
Sadly many people were caught up in the flooding and traffic chaos caused by the truly exceptional rainfall yesterday when around 30mm of rain fell in just an hour.

I know that many people had to cope with deep water in their homes or businesses, as well as the struggle the emergency services had with so many calls for their help and the unprecedented traffic jams they had to get through.

It is a tribute to Newcastle that the vast majority of people stayed calm and helped others when they could. The emergency workers including many council staff also deserve our thanks as they battled through appalling conditions to help many residents.

For instant updates in Newcastle follow @newcastlecc on Twitter.

Several schools are closed and can be checked via school closures page .

Newcastle Residents are advised to report any incidents of flooding to Envirocall  by phoning 0191 274 4000, text phone 0191 211 4944, or emailing

The Environment Agency can be contacted via its Floodline on 0845 988 1188 using quick dial 132402 for up-to-date flooding information. The Environment Agency website also provides details of river levels and flooding information.

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