This week Ofcom published its first Communications Infrastructure Report, as required under Labour’s Digital Economy Act 2010.
Welcoming the report, Shadow Minister for Digital Infrastructure Chi Onwurah MP said:
“Digital Infrastructure is a critical part of our economic base. This report enables people and businesses to hold the Government to account over the delivery of broadband and mobile networks.”
But she criticised the lack of Universal Broadband, saying:
“Ofcom says that 14% of homes still don’t have decent fixed broadband and 27% of homes don’t have access to mobile broadband, mainly in rural areas. This is a barrier to economic growth. The last Government promised Universal Broadband by the end of 2012 but this Government has abandoned that promise and is abandoning the rural economy.”
Shadow Minister for the Communications Industries Helen Goodman said:
“Without Universal Broadband rural communities will be left behind and the digital divide will grow. The Communications Industries have a major part to play in economic growth and digital inclusion. The Government is undermining that.”