Dear Colleague,
I would like to congratulate you on your election to Parliament. Whether we have been in this place two weeks or two decades it remains an immense privilege! One aspect of that privilege is the scrutiny of Government through select committees.
I am standing to be the Chair of the Science, Innovation and Technology Committee, if allocated to Labour, because I have spent my life working in science and technology and I am determined it should be harnessed to the economic and social benefit of our country.
I worked as a Chartered Engineer for two decades building out the networks which now form the internet, including Nigeria’s first mobile phone network, transforming the lives of tens of millions of people. During this time, I completed an MBA at Manchester University to better understand how innovation drives business and economic growth. I then worked as Head of Technology at Ofcom before the people of my hometown of Newcastle elected me to Parliament in 2010.
I shadowed the Conservative government’s science ministers on behalf of the Labour Party for eleven of the last fourteen years, as well as the Digital Government and Industrial Strategy briefs. I have had my finger on the pulse of British science and technology policy for over a decade, and I would carry forward this expertise – together with my private and public sector experience – into the role of Chair.
As an experienced APPG Chair, I would lead an inclusive, welcoming Committee, strengthening its influence, and building on the experience of members. I have worked closely with colleagues and experts from across the political spectrum, both inside and outside of Parliament, and would bring an engineer’s focus on impartial, objective scrutiny.
Britain’s researchers, innovators and public servants must be supported to drive our country’s huge potential for science-led growth, better health, improved public services and cleaner energy. This House must ensure that the government delivers on those great opportunities, from next-gen nuclear to engineering biology. As Chair, I would focus relentlessly on accountability and delivery.
At the beginning of the first Covid lockdown, I used my tech background to work with the House authorities to introduce Zoom to the Commons to ensure backbenchers could continue scrutinise the government and hold it to account. I want to continue to champion the power of technology, science, and innovation in the public and private sectors as Chair of the Committee.
Over the next few weeks, I will be seeking to speak to each and every one of you about my candidacy. Please reach out to me as well – I would be delighted to hear from you.
All the very best,