
Cumbrian Coal Mine : Tories make wrong choice for working people and the planet

Chaos in Parliament as sitting suspended twice after the Levelling Up SoS couldn't provide his statement on the Cumbrian #CoalMine. I now can't ask the Q I wanted to, so Michael Gove here it is: Why do Tories always make the wrong choices for working people and the planet? — Chi Onwurah ???? (@ChiOnwurah) December 8, 2022

Nurses not Non -Doms

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Small Business Saturday

Today is SmallBizSaturday and I wanted to celebrate some of the fantastic small businesses that make Newcastle so great! I’ve visited many small businesses; all of them offer our city something vibrant and exciting. Make sure you go out and shop independent today! Visits: I spoke to WDL North East, based in Kenton, who offer […]

Tyne Bridge must be refurbished

Our lovely #TyneBridge is a #NorthEast icon & a critical part of our #transport infrastructure. It must be refurbished, but we can't take more transport disruption after years of Tory underinvestment. I secured an urgent meeting with the Transport Minister to reduce disruption. — Chi Onwurah ???? (@ChiOnwurah) December 1, 2022 Our lovely Tyne […]

We need the long promised China Strategy

The PM says our relationship w #China will be characterised by 'robust pragmatism'. That won't help biz, universities, journalists or activists facing difficult choices over China. I told the Minister we don't need another hollow slogan, we need the long-promised China Strategy — Chi Onwurah ???? (@ChiOnwurah) November 30, 2022 HANSARD Chi Onwurah  (Newcastle […]