Newcastle United NUFC, the Tyne Bridge restoration and apprenticeships

As well as congratulating Newcastle United NUFC I asked the Prime Minister to congratulate the 600 apprentices learning trades on the Tyne Bridge Restoration programme and look forward to seeing it restored for its 100th birthday in 2028, despite the Tory funding gap Parliament TV:
Debt suppresses opportunities for Africans in their own countries, contributing to increased migration

As Chair All Party Parliamentary Group on Africa I’ve noted with concern the language around migration. I spoke in debate on debt cancellation for low-income countries to highlight how debt suppresses opportunities for Africans in their own countries, contributing to increased migration Parliament TV: Low-income Countries: Debt Cancellation Chi Onwurah I thank my hon. […]
Inequality – working class graduates are less likely to complete an internship than their wealthier peers

The Sutton Trust report shows internships are critical for career entry. Yet working class graduates are 20% less likely to complete an internship than their wealthier peers. I asked the Minister to ensure that career success is based on hard work and talent, not parents’ social networks Parliament TV :
Close Tax Loopholes

In Newcastle we love local produce and the beautiful Northumberland countryside, but we know most land is owned by the Duke of Northumberland, big landowners and tax avoiders. I asked if the Minister agrees that loopholes have boosted land prices and priced out young farmers Parliament TV:
Tribute to Bishop of Newcastle Helen-Ann for her leadership in championing victims following Makin Review

Earlier I paid tribute to the Bishop of Newcastle Helen-Ann for her leadership in championing victims following Makin Review. I asked the Church Commissioners about the review’s implementation, resources for safeguarding, and whether the Church is focusing on victims, not the careers of clergy. Parliament TV:
Four years of Tory austerity halved the funding for Newcastle City Council so I welcome news of the Labour government’s increased funding

Four years of Tory austerity halved the funding for Newcatsle City Council which left businesses and families drowning in uncertainty so I welcome news of increased funding I asked if there was light at the end of the tunnel with reforms to let the North East build the economy and public services we choose Parliament TV: […]
Clean Seas and Rivers – under the Tories people had to campaign for sewage-free waterways as if it was a privilege, not a right

I asked the Secretary of State for if, like me, he finds it amazing that under the Tories, people had to campaign for sewage-free waterways as if it was a privilege, not a right I was also keen to know how much profit was taken out by the water companies instead of being invested! Parliament […]
Housing in Newcastle is the number one issue so I welcome the government’s new planning framework

After 14 years of neglect, indifference and downright obstruction by the Tories, housing in Newcastle is the number one issue so I welcome the government’s new planning framework I asked what the government will do to ensure housing is high quality, with the infrastructure constituents need Parliament TV:
Syria’s many ethnic, religious and political groups form a challenging pathway to a peaceful & inclusive society

The complexity of Syrian ethnic, religious and political groups makes the pathway to an inclusive Syria challenging. I asked the Government what steps the UK can take to bring together Syrian representatives to help enable them to build the peaceful, stable Syria we all wish to see. Parliament TV:
A warm welcome at the Christmas Coffee Morning in Westerhope Methodist Church

Thanks to everyone at Westerhope Methodist Church for the warm welcome, tea, tombola, jam and lively conversation on offer at their Christmas Coffee Morning last weekend. Great to meet the Revs Lyda Coulthard again.