It was great to catch up with TUC Northern‘s brilliant Liz Blackshaw about industrial action, recent casework trends, and the importance of being a union member. This Heart Unions Week, why not Join A Union?
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Unite workplace wins:
Young workers who are in trade union recognised workplaces on average have better pay, safer places to work and have better than basic maternity, paternity and carer’s leave.
However, for those who aren’t in trade unionised workplaces, it’s down to us to organise.
By recruiting our colleagues and making them aware that things can be better within the workplace – we’ll make a difference.
Especially when we work together.
There’s strength in numbers, and you’re never on your own when you have the trade union behind you.
Did you know:
- Women make up more than half of workers on zero-hours contracts in the UK
- 36% of zero hour contract workers are aged between 16 and 24 years old
- One in three women are offered zero hour contracts to ‘help’ with childcare
- Young workers are often working multiple jobs to meet their basic bills
- Bullying and harassment are two of the most common problems faced by young workers today.
These are all serious issues – and all issues that trade unionism and working together can change.
As Lin Manuel Miranda wrote, ‘this is not a moment, it’s the movement.’
Young Workers aren’t a moment in the trade union – we are part of the movement like everyone else.
Ruth Pitchford
GMB Young Workers Chair