Hiya chi my brother Anthony Houckham 7 brampton Gardens Throckley Newcastle upon Tyne ne15 9ha lives in the home he used to share with my deceased mother….. He has been doing a bit work in the past 5 years since my mother died (beforehand he worked all the time) he has tried to claim universal credit in past few days and he filled form in online but then he was kicked out maybe due to his Internet connection on his phone and now when trying to log in its saying he did not have information and won’t let him back on line to re register are anything just wondered if u will know if there is another way he can do it thank you Donna slipper
Hiya chi my brother Anthony Houckham 7 brampton Gardens Throckley Newcastle upon Tyne ne15 9ha lives in the home he used to share with my deceased mother….. He has been doing a bit work in the past 5 years since my mother died (beforehand he worked all the time) he has tried to claim universal credit in past few days and he filled form in online but then he was kicked out maybe due to his Internet connection on his phone and now when trying to log in its saying he did not have information and won’t let him back on line to re register are anything just wondered if u will know if there is another way he can do it thank you Donna slipper
We fear the system is overloaded but suggest he contacts his local MP:
Catherine McKinnell MP
Email: catherine.mckinnell.mp@parliament.uk
Tel: 0191 229 0352
Thank you xx