
Dear Newcastle April 2019
I always feel Spring is really here when the clocks go forward and the cows return to the moor. But in Westminsterland, nothing much is changing. The Brexit train grinds on even as the buffers are moved. Either two or one and a half, depending on how you counted them, further meaningful votes were held. The Government lost Meaningful Vote 2 by 149, less than the 230 vote margin on Meaningful Vote 1 but still historic. Following the Speaker’s ruling that the Government couldn’t just keep on bringing back the same motion to parliament, the Government then tried to split the withdrawal agreement from the political declaration despite that being against the intent and fact of the UK legislation and designed solely to meet the requirements of the EU Council that the Tories Bad Brexit deal should be approved by March 31st. The irony of the Government ignoring UK law to follow EU requirements in order to, supposedly, regain UK sovereignty was not lost.

Bridgewater School in Parliament

In any case these latest Government shenanigans were also defeated. The Government cannot get its Brexit deal through Parliament and has finally realised that it needs to reach out to the Labour Part, initiating talks on a Brexit solution over the last week. But the fact is agreeing to a customs union to protect jobs would split the Tory party where a block of Hard Right Brexiteers refuse to support their own Prime Minister even after she promised to resign.                                  I won the opportunity to ask a question to the Prime Minister on 27th of March.

Newcastle voted, by 50.7% to 49.3%, to remain. It divided our city, and I was determined that we should not have to vote again, but this is a complete shambles. Parliament gridlocked, Government paralysed, businesses stalled, jobs lost, households stockpiling, our global reputation trashed and a Prime Minister incapable of holding her Cabinet together, never mind the country. Will she consider the possibility that she is making a terrible mistake?

Her answer did not give me confidence. I set out in an article for the Chronicle why I now, reluctantly, think we need another vote:

We are passing through a very difficult time as a country and we can only hope that Newcastle can remain united as a city even if we disagree with friends and neighbours over Brexit.

International Women’s Day at Newcastle College

Backbench and Constituency Role

Investing in Children

Shadow Ministerial and PES Role

Our London Living Wage paid intern, Lois, left us and will be much missed.
Quoted in national and local media including ITV, Victoria Derbyshire, the Chronicle.

At Disability North


Meetings and visits (till April 1)                                                                                                       Meetings (Organisation/Name)
Bibi 50th Celebration, SMMT National Apprenticeship Week Reception, Mobile UK, Destination for Education, Microsoft Apprenticeships Reception, NHS Parliamentary Awards 2019, Skills for the Future in a Fourth Industrial Revolution Dinner Discussion, Russia: Royalty and the Romanovs viewing, Marie Curie Great Daffodil Appeal drop-in event, Drop-in celebration of the Hospitality and Food & Drink Industry in Wales, Hospitality Apprentice event, Malcolm Corbett – INCA CEO, SMMT Motor Industry Industrial Strategy, Building Societies Association 150th Anniversary Celebratory Reception, Thales’ UK Economic Impact Report Launch, Let Us Learn’s Parliamentary event, 2019 Visit to Bombardier in Crewe, International Women’s Day Launch, Disability North Visit, Meeting, John McDonnel Labour’s Key Demands from the Spring Statement, Launch of Cambridge’s 2019 Research Horizons, NSPCC Wild West Web Campaign Reception, , CHAMPs St Patrick’s Day Reception, Red Nose Day Parliamentary Reception, STEM for Britain, Roundtable with Catriona Laing CB – British High Commissioner to Nigeria, Bahr Academy, Eugene Milne – Cervical Screening, NHSA, St Patrick’s Day Remembrance,

Celebrating St Patrick’s Day

The Brighton B&B Visit, Lady Tunnicliffe – Science Education, BAE Systems, Coca-Cola European Partners’ Annual Parliamentary Dinner, NCC Group Cyber Security, Harriet Matthews – FCO Director Africa, Reception to mark the Launch of the Strategy and First Work Programme for the Centre for Data Ethics & Innovation, AMRC Sheffield visit, Anti Brexit March, ACTSA Dinner, All Party Engineering Group Lunch Discussion , Materials Processing Institute, Global Food banking Network Parliamentary Reception, Future Leaders Connect drop-in event, Local Government Funding Westminster Hall Debate, Catherine City of London & Ronnie Kent UK Finance, Refugee Rights, Metapraxis Financial Focus Dinner, Tourism Alliance Parliamentary Reception, UNISON drop-in reception: 20th Anniversary of the National Minimum Wage, Brendan Foster

Speaking (till April 1)
UNISON Northern Labour Link Forum, Debate on school funding, Chair initial BAME Business APPG, Chair Westminster Energy, Environment & Transport Forum Keynote Seminar, North West Business Team Event Manchester, Newcastle College Campaign Launch at International Women’s Day, Property Network Group – Rebuilding the North East, Young Women’s Trust Listening Session, UK Tech & Innovation Smart IoT, Voice of the Future 2019, Bridgewater School after their Parliamentary tour, Chair APPG STEM & Diversity, NESTA UK Report Launch, IPSOS Interview, Regional Technology Foresight event Sheffield


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