Chi takes up plight of EU Nationals in Newcastle
Chi Onwurah MP for Newcastle Central told the Minister in Parliament today that 3% of Newcastle’s population are EU Nationals.
She pointed out how they are now very much part of everyday life in Newcastle:
“ Whether in hospitals, our universities , our restaurants, hitech startups or our championship topping football team they are an integral part of our lives.
Ms Onwurah highlighted the uncertainty caused by the Government’s failure to guarantee their right to continue to live and work in the UK:
“ Does the minister realise how insecure they feel as bargaining chips?
She also asked him to justify charging EU nationals for the privilege to remain here.
The Minister revealed that in the six months after the Referendum the Government had charged EU Nationals the total of £8,871,135 for applications to remain where they are in the UK.
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Notes for Editors
1) Chi Onwurah Supplementary on EU nationals: