Responding to news that the Northern Rock Foundation will close its current grant programmes at the end of 2014 and begin to prepare for the Foundation’s now likely eventual closure, Chi said:
“I’m very sad to see the demise of Northern Rock as a grant giving organisation. It has made a remarkable contribution to the North East for many years now and has been a caring, innovative, inclusive and supportive friend to the North East, rooted in our region and working in our region.”
“I do however welcome Virgin Money’s commitment to investment in the region. Youth services have been devastated by central government funding cuts and housing is consistently the number one issue in my surgeries and post bag, so their support for North East Youth Zones and bringing empty housing back into use is very welcome.”
“I am concerned however that the work the Foundation undertook on hard to reach communities, inclusion and refugees will not be replaced and will leave a gap in the region.”
In a statement released today, Northern Rock Foundation said that “It is with deep regret that, after 17 years of grant making, Northern Rock Foundation will close its current grant programmes at the end of 2014 and begin to prepare for the Foundation’s now likely eventual closure.”
The full statement is here: