Operation Sanctuary
Following discussions Chi received the following email from Chief Superintendent Laura Young:
There is an extensive engagement plan in place across the West End of Newcastle to monitor community concerns and at present there has been no indication that concerns are being raised in relation to activity with regards operation sanctuary.
I am therefore keen to understand where the concerns lie to enable the Neighbourhood Policing Team to quickly address them either individually with residents or collectively by holding a community meeting.
I would therefore request that anyone with concerns either speaks direct with myself on the following:
TEL: 0191 2218901 or E-MAIL: laura.young.7749@northumbria.pnn.police.uk
They can speak to the Neighbourhood Chief Inspector for the West End of Newcastle David Felton on the following:
TEL: 07717 700056 or E-MAIL: david.felton.7448@northumbria.pnn.police.uk
Or they can contact the Operation Sanctuary Engagement Team on:
E-MAIL: op.sanctuary.engagement.team@northumbria.pnn.police.uk
Alternatively anyone can raise matters through me by mailing me on chi.onwurah.mp@parliament.uk
or by phoning my office on: 0191 232 5838