
Chi has pledged to support the national charity Beating Bowel Cancer to save lives from the UK’s second biggest cancer killer.

 Chi said:

 “Sadly in Newcastle upon Tyne Central, more people are diagnosed with bowel cancer and more people die from the disease than the national average*.

 “One in eighteen people are diagnosed with bowel cancer and these local figures show that people in Newcastle upon Tyne Central must take bowel cancer seriously.  I hope that by supporting Beating Bowel Cancer’s campaign I can encourage people in Newcastle to aware of the risk of bowel cancer and be clear about the symptoms of the UK’s second biggest cancer killer.

 “Bowel cancer claims a life every 30 minutes in the UK but it but I am assured it can be beaten by everyone working together to raise awareness.

The Beating Bowell Cancer ‘Be Loud Be Clear 2012’ campaign coincides with the launch of ‘Be Clear on Cancer’, the first NHS national bowel cancer awareness campaign. Bowel Cancer is the UK’s second biggest cancer killer yet it can be beaten. If diagnosed early, over 90% of bowel cancer patients could be successfully treated compared with less than 7% of patients diagnosed with advanced bowel cancer.

* Newcastle upon Tyne Central has 48.9 cases of bowel cancer and 21.1 deaths from the disease per 100,000 population compared to national average 46.1 cases and 17.3 deaths per 100,000 populationi

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